African Bible Colleges, Inc. is a higher educational institution where the Bible is central and the growth of Christian life and ministry is essential. All students must take the required Biblical Studies courses as part of the college's Liberal Arts curriculum, as well as general education classes that help the student get ready for a variety of Christian service jobs. The integration of a Biblical worldview with both life and learning experiences is a crucial part of the philosophy of the Bible college. The primary goal of the courses is to prepare students for service in the world and ministry in the church.

Lee Sonius, CEO and President
They began in Liberia where Lee served as the Station Manager for Radio ELWA in Liberia. They then joined Reach Beyond (HCJB) on loan from SIM and for 20 years Lee was the Regional Director for Sub-Saharan Africa. The last two years, Lee worked with TWR (Trans World Radio) as the Ministry Director for West Africa. Currently, Michelle is actively involved with SIM as a Deputy Director for Personnel, while Lee brings his valuable experience from his many years in mission leadership in Africa. In his role as President and CEO of African Bible Colleges, Lee will provide strategic guidance across all aspects of ABC's mission, including overall vision, strategy, academics, leadership, and operational oversight of the colleges as a whole. His responsibilities extend to operations in the U.S., as well as in Liberia, Malawi, and Uganda.
African Bible Colleges is delighted to introduce Lee Sonius as the new President and CEO of our organization.
Lee, (born in Sierra Leone) and his wife, Michelle, both spent their formative years in Liberia at Radio ELWA, as children of Church Planting Missionaries. Since their marriage in 1986, the Sonius' have dedicated their lives to missionary service in Africa.

A Legacy of Faith, Love, and Education
The vision for Christian colleges in Africa began in the hearts of Dr. and Mrs. John W. Chinchen. Having trained pastors in Liberia's interior for seven years, the Chinchens realized a Bible College was needed to meet the spiritual and educational needs of the new generation of African graduates. The Chinchens established Liberia's first four-year Bible College in 1976, bringing the vision to reality. The college was designed to hold the highest international university standards and meet the requirements for awarding a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. As graduates in West Africa demonstrated the worth of high-quality Christian education, it became essential to offer this ministry to other regions of Africa. As a result, African Bible Colleges founded a second college in Malawi, an East African nation, 4,000 miles away, in 1988. Three missionary families had arrived in Lilongwe by November of that year to start construction on the new college. On December 12, 1989, the official groundbreaking took place. Two weeks later, Liberia's civil war broke out. Early in the war, ABC Liberia was able to operate intermittently, but in 1992 the college was compelled to entirely close its doors for the following 16 years. The third African Bible College was established in the tropical nation of Uganda seventeen years later, in 2005. Then, in November 2008, the original Liberia campus was once more operational following two years of brush clearing and total refurbishment of staff residences, dorms, classrooms, offices, and dining hall. Today, there are almost 800 graduates of African Bible Colleges working in a variety of Christian ministries, from producing programs at TransWorld Radio to caring for orphans with Children of the Nations, holding executive positions at Campus Crusade (Life Ministries), working on HIV/AIDS initiatives with World Relief, and even starting churches in Mozambique, a former communist stronghold. The evangelizing and transformation of Africa are proving to be greatly aided by ABC graduates.

Paul Chinchen's Legacy
The Church around the world and the ABC Mission and family lost a great leader and champion for Christ and Christian education on July 6th of 2022. Paul devoted his life to the development of devout Christian leaders for the church, missions, education, government, media, non-profits, business, social work, community development, health care, and sports.
Paul was a true visionary, dreamer, epic storyteller, passionate about sustainability, and advocate for Africa. His memory and exceptional legacy live on.